Video beyond Voice Push-To-Talk

ProGate Firmware

Make Your IP-PTT G/W with ProGate Firmware

ProPTT2 provides S/W based ProGate Firmware optimized for IP-PTT Gateway production
and it's IP-based Push-To-Talk service compatible with existing radio.

You can produce customized IP-PTT G/W products with ProGate Firmware.

ProGate Firmware supports several IP-PTT G/W communication modes.
Produce the optimum IP-PTT G/W device according to features that your customer wants.

  • Radio to Smartphone

    ProGate firmware supports Cloud/Server system integration so that it's possible to connect two-way radio and ProPTT2 smartphone application.
  • Radio to Radio researching

    In peer-to-peer/topology mode, you can communicate with a radio that has different frequency or a radio out of communication range.
  • Radio to Phone researching

    By SIP conntection, it's possible to connect phone (incl. IP-Phone) and two-way radio through IP-PBX device.

Main Feature

  • Web interface for channel/setup management
  • Protocol Support : IMPTTP/TCP
  • Audio Codec : OPUS
  • PTT Signal : In(SAD/VAD), Out(GPIO)

IP-PTT G/W device requirements

Operating System Linux version - 2.6 or above
CPU 1G ARM Cortex-A8 Processor or above
RAM 1GB RAM or above
HDD 200MB or above
others LAN/power port needed

IP-PTT G/W device manufacturing process

  • Partner Contract

    First, make a contract to have ProGate firmware. ProGate Partner Contact Us
  • Install Firmware

    Install ProGate Firmware on a your device.* Technical support is provided to install the firmware.
  • Connect to Radio

    Connect the radio with the equipment that firmware is installed, and check the PTT voice connectivity.* When you connect the equipment and the radio, you need ProGate Cable suitable for the radio.
  • Device Test

    When voice connection with the radio is being completed, Run a final test for the finished product.
ProPTT2 Developers

We provide developer tools, guides and sample programs on ProPTT2 Developers site to help you develop IP-PTT G/W device. (
